Hybrid propulsion
We are developing and preparing the production of a hybrid propulsion system for various types of multi-rotor drones. A hybrid system refers to an integrated semi-direct drive consisting of a central internal combustion engine and an electric drive unit. Electric propulsion is a supplement that controls practically direct transmission of power from the central engine for each individual propeller in the multirotor configuration of the aircraft.
Since the specific energy density of fuel (depending on the internal combustion engine used) is 20-30 times higher than today’s batteries for electric drones, the autonomy is increased practically as many times.
Hybrid propulsion
Expected performance of the prototype aircraft in the development phase:
Maximum take-off mass MTOW = 25 kg
Quad-rotor X configuration
Propellers: 27 “
Internal combustion engine power: 6 kW
Maximum peak hybrid power: 12 kW
Expected autonomy without load (maximum amount of fuel): 8-12 hours
Maximum share of payload in relation to MTOW: 30%